Published on March 17, 2005 By alienfast In WindowBlinds
Hello, I've been here a while, but this is my first post! I remember when I first started using windowblinds, everything (pretty much) was skinned. Even when I right clicked on the desktop, that menu was skinned. I dont know how long its been, but for quite a while, the right click and drop down menus (you know-file, edit, etc) haven't been skinned. Why is this? I specifically remember a theme called "Marmo" that I was using....the drop down and right click menus looked so cool I thought! But now, it just looks like the normal standard Windows version, and when you move the cursor over it to highlight an option, it's standard-style as well...its not skinned anymore, but they still use the colors that the theme uses....I WANT IT HOW IT USED TO BE!!! Would a re-install maybe fix this?
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